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Someone Crazy (Hidden Powers, Chapter 29)
Avatar: The Last Airbender / Fanfiction

Someone Crazy (Hidden Powers, Chapter 29)

Bolin’s eyes swept across the crowded screening room, marveling. He had heard that Fire Nationers loved their theater, but this… The crowd he saw as he and Fuse entered the room went beyond ordinary fandom and hinged somewhere between a Nuktuk cult and an unruly mob. “My, they sure are… spirited… aren’t they?” Fuse said. … Continue reading

An Important Mission (Hidden Powers, Chapter 28)
Avatar: The Last Airbender / Fanfiction

An Important Mission (Hidden Powers, Chapter 28)

When Izumi had said that she was attending an important royal meeting, Korra had assumed that the Firelord meant a meeting about which Firelord portrait should hang on which wall or something. She didn’t think it was the actual meeting with General Iroh and his soldiers about how they should reconquer Sunport. “There was no … Continue reading

Fuse’s Shadow (Chapter 27, Hidden Powers)
Avatar: The Last Airbender / Fanfiction

Fuse’s Shadow (Chapter 27, Hidden Powers)

Firelord Izumi was doing better with Flare. Fuse could see her confidence improve every day. Izumi’s dragon was responding well to this new attitude as well. Flare now accepted Izumi’s company in the stable and had grown accustomed to, perhaps even fond, of the Firelord’s affectionate nose rubs and chin scratches. It would be a … Continue reading