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Fanfiction / Pokémon

Zero Gate (PSP #31)

“So where’s this shortcut of yours?” Penny asked, trying to catch her breath without slowing down too much. Nemona didn’t answer. Not with words, anyway. Instead, she marched them towards to the hill they’d descended to get here. She then proceeded to sprint up said hill like gravity was for losers who didn’t have their … Continue reading

Fanfiction / Pokémon

The Pokémon League (PSP #29)

“Tinkaton, use Play Rough!” “Sylveon, Moonblast!” Juliana and Ortega’s Pokémon charged full-swing into the second raid battle. Tinkaton in the rather literal sense of the hprase. Sylveon, eager to regain everyone’s approval, leapt up and propelled herself off Tinkaton’s raised hammer. It did not pay out. The hammer went sideways and Sylveon lost her footing. … Continue reading

Fanfiction / Pokémon

The Abridged Levincia Gym Challenge (Penny Saves Paldea, Chapter 26)

Once again, Penny shared her device’s little screen up on the desktop’s monitor. “I ran dozens of comparisons on the info I gathered,” she said. “None of them show anything of significance. Except this one.” A graph appeared with no data other than a horizontal white line cutting straight through the middle. Penny pointed to … Continue reading

Fanfiction / Pokémon

We Did Our Best (Penny Saves Paldea, Chapter 24)

Juliana was impressed with how quickly the group worked. With everyone pitching in, Arven had Mabosstiff’s sandwich ready within minutes. There was some debate if feeding him three Herba Mystica in one shot would somehow lessen their effects. But given the way Mabosstiff had been eating rather slowly–and sometimes refusing to eat at all–Arven decided … Continue reading