As soon as there was any mention of “magic Gem memory stuff”, Greg Universe quickly took his leave. Steven walked with Sea Glass up towards the temple, but stopped short when he noticed something strange atop one of the stone hands that cupped the house in its fingers. “Is that…” he narrowed his eyes. It … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Fanfiction
Fruit Tarts and the Sparky Sparky Boom Thing (Chapter 15, Hidden Powers)
“No pain. No fear. No mercy.” Fuse woke two hours before dawn. Firelord Izumi had granted her a bed in the guard barracks. The arrangement was a bit over precautionary seeing as how she didn’t attack without orders and had already come to an agreement with the Avatar. But no matter. A bed was a … Continue reading
Rose’s Last Order (Chapter 21, Fission)
Coral took a deep breath as she entered the room and surveyed the scene before her. She seemed to have developed a reputation as the more… unreasonable of Pearl’s two halves, and she wouldn’t mind proving the opposite was true. Still… this was pushing her limits. She felt Steven poke her in the elbow and … Continue reading
Fuse (Chapter 14, Hidden Powers)
The combustionbender lay in a pool of water while Korra’s hands moved in a rhythmic motion over her. Water curled and turned in intricate patterns over the woman’s body, but nothing seemed to do much good. Maybe Korra was losing her touch. She hadn’t exactly called on her healing abilities in a while. Her eyes … Continue reading
Alone Time (Chapter 20, Fission)
Steven didn’t know how it was possible to feel so many different feelings at once. On one hand, he was insanely excited. He and Amethyst were finally about to introduce Smoky Quartz to Pearl and Garnet. On the other hand, he felt guilty. He still hadn’t told Coral or Sea Glass about the bracers he’d … Continue reading
Maybe She Won’t Notice… (Chapter 13, Hidden Powers)
She drew her blade, fast as a serpent-viper, and grabbed the boy by the hair. “Wh–” he tried to gasp but stopped when she pressed her blade to his throat. “Be still,” she said. “I don’t really want to harm you.” The bedroom door flung open, and four of a dozen royal guards managed to … Continue reading
Yellow Pearl’s Bargain (Chapter 19, Fission)
“So, you guys took a prisoner,” Lapis said. She tilted her head at Yellow Pearl, who was still unconscious, but was now unconscious on top of a pile of blankets in front of the meep morp display. Lapis narrowed her eyes a bit and her lips turned up in an only-slightly-devious smile. “Cool.” “For the … Continue reading
Second Chance (Chapter 12, Hidden Powers)
As it turned out, Korra came up with a very practical solution to keep Izumi from getting too angry about the captured combustion-bender. She simply didn’t mention it. “We should take turns standing guard over her,” Korra suggested. Though she was pretty sure the palace staff wouldn’t notice if one of their eighty-something guest rooms … Continue reading
Bolin’s Rescue (Chapter 11, Hidden Powers)
No one would ever accuse Korra of being a strategic planner. The most strategy she’d put into this rescue was to leave Mako with the hot air balloon so they could make a faster escape. But, hey, among the many perks of being the Avatar was the ability burst into a scene and still pretty … Continue reading
Corruption (Chapter 18, Fission)
Peridot had to give Steven credit for one thing: he didn’t give up, even on an enemy. The Pearl’s sleeves and upper back glowed as she was pulled into the fusion, but Steven charged forward with neither regard for own safety, nor common sense. “You let her go!” he yelled, throwing his shield at the … Continue reading