Clanbuilding for Dummies, Chapter 13
Comics / Sims

Clanbuilding for Dummies, Chapter 13

Previously: Newly-turned vampire Elliot Marshall and his vampire offspring, Lexi Cramer, have been challenged by Vladislaus Straud to build a clan consisting the most powerful families around. Vladislaus has named Geoffrey Landgraab, Bella Goth, Lily Feng, Max Villareal, and Judith Ward as required members, of which Elliot must turn three before his rival, Miss H … Continue reading

Big News!

Big News!

You guys know my announcement-style posts are few and far-between, but this one just couldn’t wait. First off, there won’t be an update tomorrow, as I’m speaking at Zenkaikon 2019 this weekend. Eek! But there will be a new chapter of both Power Struggle and Clanbuilding for Dummies next Friday to make up for it. … Continue reading